- Keansburg School District
- About Our Schools
- District Chain of Command
How to Effectively Communicate With School Officials
Parents are often discouraged when they attempt to communicate with central office administrators and are sent back to building-based officials in order to resolve a problem their child may be experiencing in school. To prevent that frustration, parents can become informed about the “Chain of Command”, or where to begin the communication sequence regarding their child’s problem. Many parental questions are easily and completely answered by communicating directly with the educator in charge of the class or program. Each situation should first be addressed at whatever level the initial action was taken with appeals moving on to the next level on the chain of command. The easiest way to communicate would be by email (Email format: first_initial;_last name@keansburg.k12.nj.us).
A phone call would be the next preferable way to communicate.1. On Matters Involving Instruction: (High Schools or Middle Schools)
1. Classroom teacher or Case Manager
2. Guidance Counselor
3. Assistant Principal- Mr. John Bird, KHS (732)787-2007 ext 4252
Mr. Ryan Lillis, BMS (732)787-2007 ext 2736
4. Principal -Mr. Sean Brophy, KHS (732)787-2007 ext. 4251
Mr. Joseph LaRocca, BMS (732)787-2007 ext 2220
5. Chief Academic Officer
6. Student Services
Director of Pupil Personnel Services (child study)
2. On Matters Involving Athletics or Extra-curricular Activity: (High Schools or Middle Schools)
1. Club Advisor or Coach
2. Athletic Director
Mr. James Ferraro (732)787-2007 ext. 42423. Principal
Mr. Sean Brophy , KHS (732)787-2007 ext. 4251Mr. Joseph LaRocca, Bolger Middle School (732)787-2007 ext. 22203. On Matters Involving Student Discipline (High Schools or Middle Schools):
1. Classroom Teacher
2. Guidance Counselor
3. Assistant Principal
4. Principal
4. On Elementary School Matters:
1. Classroom Teacher or Case Manager
2. Master Teacher (Preschool)
3. Principal
Mrs. Elyse Mcmahon (732) 787-2007 ext. 60014. Student Services
Director of Pupil Personnel Services (Child Study)
5. On Matters Concerning Facilities and Buildings and Grounds
1. Building Principal2. Assistant to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Mr. Micheal Sette (732) 787-2007 ext. 24206. On Matters Involving Transportation
1. Transportation
Mrs. Eileen Enright (732) 787-2007 ext. 33222. Assistant to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Mr. Micheal Sette (732) 787-2007 ext. 24207. To Resolve All Matters only after you have followed the levels outlined above
1. Superintendent of Schools
Ms. Kathleen O'Hare (732) 787-2007 ext. 23002. Assistant to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Mr. Micheal Sette (732) 787-2007 ext. 2420Building Administration
Name Position School Ext. Sean Brophy Principal Keansburg High School 4251 John Bird Vice Principal Keansburg High School 4252 Joseph LaRocca Principal Bolger Middle School 2220 Ryan Lillis Vice Principal Bolger Middle School 2736 Elyse McMahon Principal Caruso Elementary School 6001 Sean Henry Vice Principal Caruso Elementary School 6314 Anne Hazeldine Principal Keansburg Early Learning Center 5000