• Welcome to Kindergarten!


    The “first week of school” is a great milestone for your child and I understand that you and your child will meet this week with excitement or apprehension (or a little of both).  I hope that this letter will help you to know what to expect in kindergarten this year and answer any questions you may have.  I would like to take this time to introduce myself.  My name is Jeanne Rotolo.  I have taught in the district since 1996.  I have taught kindergarten for 8 years. I have also taught 6th grade, K-2nd Media Specialist, and have been a K-2 reading teacher.

    I am excited to be working with your child this year and helping him/her to achieve his/her full potential.  Throughout the remainder of this letter, I will share some of my beliefs and classroom policies.

    Parent/Teacher Relationship 

    I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success.  Throughout the year I will communicate with you as much as possible.  Students will have a folder in which I will put any notes or reminders as well as all of your student’s work.  This folder is to be returned each day and you may also use it to send me any notes as well. I have set up a one way texting service that can send texts to your cell phone in order to communicate reminders about half days and/or late arrivals. If you have access to a cell phone and would like reminders by text, please send a text to 81010 with the message @rotolok. You can also sign up with your email by sending a blank message to rotolok@mail.remind.com. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You can send me a note, call me at school (732) 787-2007, or e-mail me at jrotolo@keansburg. k12.nj.us .

    School Attendance 

    Your child’s regular and prompt attendance at school is crucial to his/her success.  I can’t emphasize this point enough!!!  Please view school as a priority, and see to it that your child attends everyday except in cases of illness or emergency.  If your child is going to be absent please call the school office.

    Before/After School

    When your child arrives in the morning they are to come in and go to the classroom. All children will be allowed to enter the classroom at 7:55.  Our school day begins at 8:10 and your child begins morning routines at that time.  Students will be dismissed at the front door of the school at 2:40.

    Changes in Pick Up 

    If you plan change the person who is picking up your child, you must send a written note.  Please do not rely on your child to tell me this information, because children often become confused and relay messages incorrectly. 

    Outdoor Recess

    The children will be going out for recess everyday unless it is raining or the temperature is below zero.  Please keep this in mind when helping your child select clothing for the day. 


    On occasion it will be necessary for your child to bring money to school.  Always send money in a sealed envelope with the following information written on it:

                1. Your child’s first and last name.

                2. The amount of money.

                3. The purpose for the money (book money, lunch money, breakfast  picture money, etc.).

                4. My name.


    Birthdays are special occasions for young children.  If your child wishes, he/she may bring treats for the class on his/her birthday.  Pre-packaged treats or cupcakes are best and easiest.  Please send a note a day or two in advance, so I can give you an exact number of children in the class and set a side some class time for the birthday.


    Snack will take place at 9:30 each day.  Please send in a light snack for your child.  Keep in mind that your child’s lunch is at 12:35. If you forget to pack a snack, I have pretzels for your child.  If your child’s snack requires a fork or a spoon, please send it with them to school.  I do not have utensils. 



    The special schedule is as follows:


    Tuesday- Gym/Health (Please wear sneakers)

    Wednesday- Music

    Thursday- Art

    Friday- Spanish 

    In closing, I would just like to say that I am looking forward to a great year of working with your child!  Any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask. 

    Mrs. Rotolo