• The Joseph C. Caruso School is located at 81 Francis Pl. in Keansburg, New Jersey. 

    At the Caruso School, students are offered an extensive curriculum that is aligned to the Common Core State Standards and the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. The curriculum incorporates technology, cooperative learning, multicultural awareness, and project-based learning.  The students are exposed to college and career readiness, art, music,  physical education, and technology to promote student interests and foster independent strengths. Throughout the year the students and parents are invited to attend recognition assemblies and other exhibits to celebrate students' success.

    The students enjoy working in the Wee Deliver Postal Program whereby they mail letters to others in the school building.  Each classroom has an address and students deliver as well as pick up the mail.   Students are encouraged to write letters to each other as well as to faculty members and to put them in the hallway post office boxes.  The next morning, postal employees collect and sort the mail, and others deliver it to the mailbox outside of each classroom and office. 

    After school tutoring is offered from late October to early May for students at various learning levels to help students succeed in the classroom. All students can participate in chorus and students in grade 4 can perform in the instrumental music program. Before and after school care is available daily through Champions. Family Friendly Center and the 21st Century Learning Grant (KAP) are also available to students as additional after school enrichment activities.