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Ackerman , Abby
Adamo, Caroline
Ahearn, Rebecca & Newnom, Dyane
Annuzzi, Barbara
Bestle, Jacqueline
Book, Jonathan
Burke, Christina
Callaghan, Cathy / Rizzo, Karen / Silva, Deborah
Conk, Stephanie
Corcione, Jillian
Corey, Jeanne
Crossnohere , Ellen
Dakoglou, Grace
Daley, Meghan
Dambough, Mark
Daus, Melissa
Davis, Courtney
Davis, Wendy
Desoucey, Christina
DeVirgilio, Michelle
Donnelly, Nicole
England, Bruce
Fahey, Caren
Fiske , Brenda
Florio, Dana
Ganley, Corrin
Gomez, Erin
Hasenstab, Jennifer
Higgins, Noreen
Hoffman, Elizabeth
Holcombe, Tammie
Hummer, Rosemarie
Johnson, Lauren
Jones, Chris
Joyce, Maria
Kehoe, Jennifer
LaRosa, Teresa / Tatro, Melissa
Leary, Barbara
Lee, Kimberly
Longo, Cynthia
McMahon, Elyse
Mickelsen, Kathryn
Moschetta, Sharon
Nagy, Kyle
Natalino, Michelle
Nigro, Lisa
Odonnell, Melissa
Pearce, Karen
Pepper, Jesse
Pisani, Lauren
Racanelli, Fidy
Reid, James
Rogers, Mary
Rotolo, Jeanne
Schork, Lyndsey
Smith, Tara
Soranno, Kathleen
Staff Portal
Szotak, Ashley
Torres, Vanessa
Tritto, Tonya
Trucano, Kerri
Underhill, Maryanne
Viggiano , Jonna
Ward, Jodi
Weitzell, Deanne
Weldon , Lissa
White, Jessica
Wilson, Heather
Wolkom, Kaitlin
Zielinski , Amy
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Joseph C. Caruso School
We are Learners Today and Leaders Tomorrow
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Joseph C. Caruso School
Welcome to Mrs. Annuzzi & Mrs. White's Class
Annuzzi, Barbara
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Welcome to Mrs. Annuzzi & Mrs. White's Class
The Day it Rained Hearts
Felicia Bond
Year Published: